Settings for #duck-hunt-gameπŸ¦†

The channel is currently enabled

General settings

Setting Value
Ducks per day 20
Use webhooks ❌
Use emojis βœ…
Inventory use βœ…
Mentions on kill βœ…
Ducks stay for 660 seconds
Anti triggers ❌

Experience settings

Setting Value
Normal duck experience 15 exp
Clover experience range 1 to 10 exp
Additional experience for every life the duck has 16 exp
Super ducks lives 3 to 7 lives
Ducks lives shown ❌
Tax on experience transactions
Chance to kill on miss
Chance to frighten ducks

Ducks weights

Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Armored​ArmoredBaby​BabyCartographer​CartographerGhost​GhostGolden​GoldenKamikaze​KamikazeMechanical​MechanicalMoad​MoadNormal​NormalPlastic​PlasticProf​ProfSuper​SuperArmored 3Baby 2Cartographer 3Ghost 1Golden 1Kamikaze 6Mechanical 1Moad 1Normal 100Plastic 6Prof 10Super 5