Element.#1855 on Duck Hunt

πŸ“ˆ General statistics

101 days played, 2,851 experience points. (341 ducks killed.)

✨ Achievements
A hunter joined the chat
We are starting to know each other
Mommy is crying

πŸ¦† Ducks killed

Created with Highcharts 9.1.2ValuesNormalProfKamikazePlasticSuperBabyMechanicalMoadGoldenArmoredGhost050100150200250300
πŸ”« Shooting range
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Time to kill (seconds)Best timesKamikaze: 5.5s​Kamikaze: 5.5sNormal: 6.4s​Normal: 6.4sPlastic: 8.0s​Plastic: 8.0sSuper: 26.3s​Super: 26.3sBaby: 33.2s​Baby: 33.2sProf: 34.1s​Prof: 34.1sMechanical: 87.1s​Mechanical: 87.1sArmored: 227.1s​Armored: 227.1sMoad: 382.0s​Moad: 382.0sGolden: 496.3s​Golden: 496.3sGhost: 510.1s​Ghost: 510.1s0100200300400500600
πŸš‘οΈ Ducks hurt
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Super: 70.5 %​Super: 70.5 %Armored: 15.9 %​Armored: 15.9 %Moad: 13.6 %​Moad: 13.6 %

😱 Ducks frightened

Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Normal: 52.6 %​Normal: 52.6 %Super: 21.1 %​Super: 21.1 %Moad: 10.5 %​Moad: 10.5 %Prof: 10.5 %​Prof: 10.5 %Baby: 5.3 %​Baby: 5.3 %
πŸŽ’ Backpack
Purchased and used...
  • 4 Weapon
  • 15 Ap ammo
  • 9 Bullets
  • 1 Magazines

Trash found in bushes
  • 4 bushes
  • 3 nothing
  • 3 picture
Items took from bushes
  • 6 Bullet
  • 5 Grease
  • 2 Detector
  • 6 Magazine
  • 1 Explosive ammo
  • 2 Partial explosive ammo
Items left in bushes
  • 2 Magazine
🎯 Shooting stats
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2CountShots...With ducks: 409 shots​With ducks: 409 shotsWithout bullets: 155 shots​Without bullets: 155 shotsJamming the gun: 37 shots​Jamming the gun: 37 shotsStopped by the detector: 12 shots​Stopped by the detector: 12 shotsWithout a weapon: 9 shots​Without a weapon: 9 shotsWithout ducks: 9 shots​Without ducks: 9 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 4 shots​With a jammed weapon: 4 shotsWhen dead: 1 shots​When dead: 1 shotsWhen wet: 0 shots​When wet: 0 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 0 shots​With a sabotaged weapon: 0 shots0255075100125150175200225250275300325350375400425450
πŸ›Έ Misc

Element.#1855 used 577 bullets and 184 magazines. They missed their target 147 times, killed someone 11 times, and murdered 0 players.

They got killed 2 times , and had to eat 1 brains to revive themselves (1 times). They were really hungry once when they ate 1 brains at once.

They have 0 bullets in their gun, and 2 magazines in their backpack.

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