6 players on #duck-hunt

Best players
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2RankExperienceExperience0123101001k10k
Where do bullets go ?
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2CountShots...Without bullets: 382 shotsWithout bullets: 382 shotsJamming the gun: 77 shotsJamming the gun: 77 shotsWithout ducks: 51 shotsWithout ducks: 51 shotsWith ducks: 42 shotsWith ducks: 42 shotsStopped by the detector: 37 shotsStopped by the detector: 37 shotsWithout a weapon: 5 shotsWithout a weapon: 5 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 4 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 4 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 2 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 2 shotsWhen wet: 1 shotsWhen wet: 1 shotsWhen dead: 0 shotsWhen dead: 0 shots0255075100125150175200225250275300325350375400425
Fastest hunters in the west
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Time to kill (seconds)MoadLadyTarable#7974160.4sMoadLadyTarable#7974160.4sProfLadyTarable#7974660.0sProfLadyTarable#7974660.0sSuperLadyTarable#797454.4sSuperLadyTarable#797454.4sNormalLadyTarable#79744.9sNormalLadyTarable#79744.9s0100200300400500600700

Top scores

# Name Experience Ducks killed
1 3,526 790
2 3,212 208
3 372 58
4 20 8
5 0 1
6 -1 0
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