!" Tsutsu#9871 on Duck Hunt
📈 General statistics
49 days played,
1,723 experience points. (615 ducks killed.)
✨ Achievements
🦆 Ducks killed
🔫 Shooting range
🎒 Backpack
Purchased and used...
- 2 Coat
- 1 Brush
- 1 Grease
- 20 Weapon
- 4 Clothes
- 263 Magazines
- 1 Sunglasses
- 2 Kill licence
Trash found in bushes
- 1 pin
- 14 bushes
- 9 nothing
- 15 picture
Items took from bushes
- 12 Bullet
- 12 Grease
- 5 Detector
- 14 Magazine
- 3 Silencer
- 6 Partial explosive ammo
Items left in bushes
🎯 Shooting stats
🛸 Misc
!" Tsutsu#9871 used 1416 bullets
and 362 magazines. They missed their target 448 times, killed someone 24
times, and murdered 0 players.
They also tried reviving themselves 1 times, but
they were already alive.
They have 0 bullets in their gun, and 2 magazines in their backpack.