33 days played,
1,973 experience points. (629 ducks killed.)
✨ Achievements
🦆 Ducks killed
🔫 Shooting range
🚑️ Ducks hurt
😱 Ducks frightened
🎒 Backpack
Duck Hunt Shop
Invoice No. 588818731061346513
Payment Date.
Infrared detector
2 misses
1 items
Thanks for buying in the shop.
We hope to see you soon.
Thanks for spending 6,668 exp in
Purchased and used...
4 Coat
8 Brush
28 Decoy
9 Sight
15 Clover
8 Grease
15 Weapon
7 Ap ammo
13 Bullets
7 Clothes
11 Detector
5 Reloader
32 Sabotage
9 Silencer
235 Magazines
4 Sunglasses
9 Kill licence
13 Explosive ammo
6 Homing bullets
1 Useless mirror
3 Mechanical duck
Trash found in bushes
17 bushes
12 nothing
9 picture
Items took from bushes
14 Bullet
7 Grease
3 Detector
9 Magazine
6 Silencer
1 Explosive ammo
7 Partial explosive ammo
Items left in bushes
6 Magazine
🎯 Shooting stats
🛸 Misc
Theo#8503 used 1097 bullets
(of which
6 were homing)
and 226 magazines. They missed their target 304 times, killed someone 35
times, and murdered 13 players.
They got killed 11 times
and had to eat 17 brains to revive themselves (17 times). They were really
hungry once when they ate 1 brains at once.
Theo's gun was reloaded automatically 71 times
(and the autoreloader failed 8 times, because they had no more magazines.)
They have 0 bullets in their gun, and 3 magazines in their backpack.