Zen'itsu#5260 on Duck Hunt

๐Ÿ“ˆ General statistics

36 days played, 5,306 experience points. (176 ducks killed.)

๐Ÿ†๏ธ Trophies
V3 Player
โœจ Achievements
A hunter joined the chat
We are starting to know each other

๐Ÿฆ† Ducks killed

Created with Highcharts 9.1.2ValuesNormalSuperBabyMoad0255075100125150175
๐Ÿค— Ducks hugged
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Players: 80.0 %โ€‹Players: 80.0 %Baby: 10.0 %โ€‹Baby: 10.0 %V3_Nohug: 10.0 %โ€‹V3_Nohug: 10.0 %

๐Ÿ˜ฑ Ducks frightened

Created with Highcharts 9.1.2V3: 100.0 %โ€‹V3: 100.0 %
๐ŸŽ’ Backpack
Trash found in bushes
  • 8 old items
Items took from bushes
  • 3 Bullet
  • 5 Grease
  • 1 Detector
  • 3 Magazine
๐ŸŽฏ Shooting stats
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2CountShots...Without bullets: 133 shotsโ€‹Without bullets: 133 shotsWithout ducks: 56 shotsโ€‹Without ducks: 56 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 8 shotsโ€‹With a jammed weapon: 8 shotsJamming the gun: 6 shotsโ€‹Jamming the gun: 6 shotsWhen wet: 1 shotsโ€‹When wet: 1 shotsWithout a weapon: 1 shotsโ€‹Without a weapon: 1 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 1 shotsโ€‹With a sabotaged weapon: 1 shotsStopped by the detector: 1 shotsโ€‹Stopped by the detector: 1 shotsWhen dead: 0 shotsโ€‹When dead: 0 shotsWith ducks: 0 shotsโ€‹With ducks: 0 shots0102030405060708090100110120130140
๐Ÿ›ธ Misc

Zen'itsu#5260 used 406 bullets and 94 magazines. They missed their target 60 times, killed someone 2 times, and murdered 0 players.

They killed themselves 1 times.

They have 0 bullets in their gun, and 5 magazines in their backpack.

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