19 players on #duckhunt

Best players
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2RankExperienceExperience012345678910111213141516171101001k10k
Where do bullets go ?
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2CountShots...Without bullets: 1406 shotsWithout bullets: 1406 shotsWith ducks: 806 shotsWith ducks: 806 shotsWithout ducks: 426 shotsWithout ducks: 426 shotsJamming the gun: 245 shotsJamming the gun: 245 shotsStopped by the detector: 132 shotsStopped by the detector: 132 shotsWithout a weapon: 36 shotsWithout a weapon: 36 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 15 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 15 shotsWhen wet: 3 shotsWhen wet: 3 shotsWhen dead: 2 shotsWhen dead: 2 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 0 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 0 shots0100200300400500600700800900100011001200130014001500
Fastest hunters in the west
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Time to kill (seconds)Ghoststags71#0391.4sGhoststags71#0391.4sBabyNarnia#259018.1sBabyNarnia#259018.1sNormalPryador#50871.3sNormalPryador#50871.3sKamikazePryador#50879.5sKamikazePryador#50879.5sMoadPryador#508733.9sMoadPryador#508733.9sProfPryador#508713.7sProfPryador#508713.7sSuperNarnia#259034.2sSuperNarnia#259034.2sArmoredPryador#508778.1sArmoredPryador#508778.1sPlasticPryador#508745.4sPlasticPryador#508745.4sMechanicalPryador#508727.8sMechanicalPryador#508727.8s0100200300400500

Top scores

# Name Experience Ducks killed
1 6,151 553
2 4,482 575
3 4,298 605
4 3,690 566
5 3,039 349
6 2,358 250
7 1,070 105
8 1,020 109
9 920 151
10 377 53
11 220 22
12 178 18
13 159 21
14 91 12
15 64 7
16 17 2
17 5 1
18 4 1
19 -2 0
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