10 players on #duck-hunt

Best players
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2RankExperienceExperience0123456789101001k10k100k
Where do bullets go ?
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2CountShots...With ducks: 8390 shotsWith ducks: 8390 shotsWithout bullets: 1457 shotsWithout bullets: 1457 shotsStopped by the detector: 585 shotsStopped by the detector: 585 shotsJamming the gun: 230 shotsJamming the gun: 230 shotsWithout ducks: 157 shotsWithout ducks: 157 shotsWithout a weapon: 30 shotsWithout a weapon: 30 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 23 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 23 shotsWhen dead: 20 shotsWhen dead: 20 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 13 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 13 shotsWhen wet: 4 shotsWhen wet: 4 shots050010001500200025003000350040004500500055006000650070007500800085009000
Fastest hunters in the west
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Time to kill (seconds)Babylello444#00.7sBabylello444#00.7sMoadGhost_Wife#80793.3sMoadGhost_Wife#80793.3sProfdigital_avatar#04.2sProfdigital_avatar#04.2sGhostDominadrakonis#256451.3sGhostDominadrakonis#256451.3sSupertheroac#03.2sSupertheroac#03.2sGoldendigital_avatar#02.0sGoldendigital_avatar#02.0sNormalth7nd3r#14850.1sNormalth7nd3r#14850.1sArmoreddigital_avatar#08.6sArmoreddigital_avatar#08.6sPlasticGhost_Wife#80790.9sPlasticGhost_Wife#80790.9sKamikazetheroac#00.7sKamikazetheroac#00.7sMechanicaltheroac#02.5sMechanicaltheroac#02.5sCartographerlello444#047.9sCartographerlello444#047.9s0102030405060

Top scores

# Name Experience Ducks killed
1 10,478 1227
2 10,055 1227
3 9,663 1251
4 4,320 506
5 3,597 838
6 3,475 361
7 2,904 405
8 277 0
9 263 76
10 60 31
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