385 players on #🤖︱duck-hunt-game

Best players
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2RankExperienceExperience01020304050607080901001101001k10k100k
Where do bullets go ?
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2CountShots...With ducks: 9933 shotsWith ducks: 9933 shotsWithout bullets: 1973 shotsWithout bullets: 1973 shotsWithout ducks: 1068 shotsWithout ducks: 1068 shotsStopped by the detector: 649 shotsStopped by the detector: 649 shotsJamming the gun: 555 shotsJamming the gun: 555 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 57 shotsWith a jammed weapon: 57 shotsWithout a weapon: 52 shotsWithout a weapon: 52 shotsWhen dead: 20 shotsWhen dead: 20 shotsWhen wet: 4 shotsWhen wet: 4 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 0 shotsWith a sabotaged weapon: 0 shots050010001500200025003000350040004500500055006000650070007500800085009000950010 00010 50010 …
Fastest hunters in the west
Created with Highcharts 9.1.2Time to kill (seconds)Baby_cornman#00.6sBaby_cornman#00.6sMoad_cornman#00.6sMoad_cornman#00.6sProflooslin#04203.6sProflooslin#04203.6sGhostBrother Ralph#26331.5sGhostBrother Ralph#26331.5sSuperbkp_art#01.0sSuperbkp_art#01.0sGolden_cornman#01.0sGolden_cornman#01.0sNormalMrFatTiger#40830.0sNormalMrFatTiger#40830.0sArmored_cornman#01.1sArmored_cornman#01.1sPlasticMrFatTiger#40830.3sPlasticMrFatTiger#40830.3sKamikaze_cornman#00.1sKamikaze_cornman#00.1sMechanicalbkp_art#00.3sMechanicalbkp_art#00.3s01234

Top scores

# Name Experience Ducks killed
1 8,908 1231
2 7,111 1719
3 4,134 461
4 3,661 455
5 2,759 426
6 1,951 424
7 1,909 436
8 1,567 195
9 1,284 124
10 795 124
11 553 113
12 539 161
13 445 194
14 416 74
15 385 52
16 383 10
17 376 68
18 329 463
19 322 52
20 266 137
21 239 45
22 196 25
23 178 23
24 136 19
25 128 14
26 90 15
27 77 14
28 76 14
29 70 13
30 62 4
31 61 7
32 57 7
33 57 11
34 56 25
35 55 6
36 53 18
37 51 10
38 51 3
39 48 5
40 46 4
41 44 2
42 43 1
43 42 5
44 38 5
45 37 2
46 35 7
47 33 12
48 32 2
49 32 6
50 31 12
51 31 2
52 30 4
53 30 12
54 26 3
55 26 3
56 25 0
57 24 3
58 24 3
59 22 4
60 22 3
61 22 4
62 22 2
63 22 3
64 22 2
65 21 7
66 20 3
67 19 2
68 19 3
69 18 2
70 18 1
71 18 2
72 17 5
73 16 2
74 16 2
75 16 4
76 15 2
77 14 4
78 12 1
79 12 2
80 12 1
81 11 0
82 10 1
83 10 1
84 10 1
85 10 1
86 10 1
87 10 1
88 10 1
89 10 1
90 10 1
91 10 1
92 10 3
93 10 2
94 10 1
95 8 1
96 8 4
97 8 1
98 8 1
99 8 1
100 8 1
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