18#6809 on Duck Hunt

📈 General statistics

6 days played, 1,629 experience points. (61 ducks killed.)

✨ Achievements

🦆 Ducks killed

🔫 Shooting range
🤗 Ducks hugged
🚑️ Ducks hurt

😱 Ducks frightened

🎒 Backpack

Duck Hunt Shop

Invoice No.

Payment Date.

Infrared detector 5 misses
Total: 1 items

Thanks for buying in the shop.
We hope to see you soon.
Thanks for spending 948 exp in there

Purchased and used...
  • 3 Sight
  • 1 Clover
  • 3 Weapon
  • 2 Bullets
  • 3 Detector
  • 2 Reloader
  • 2 Silencer
  • 51 Magazines
  • 1 Explosive ammo

Trash found in bushes
  • 1 nothing
  • 1 picture
Items took from bushes
  • 1 Bullet
  • 3 Grease
  • 1 Detector
  • 1 Magazine
🎯 Shooting stats
🛸 Misc

18#6809 used 264 bullets and 53 magazines. They missed their target 75 times, killed someone 3 times, and murdered 2 players.

They killed themselves 1 times.

They got killed 16 times , and had to eat 14 brains to revive themselves (13 times). They were really hungry once when they ate 2 brains at once.

They also tried reviving themselves 1 times, but they were already alive.

18's gun was reloaded automatically 9 times (and the autoreloader failed 2 times, because they had no more magazines.)

They have 0 bullets in their gun, and 1 magazines in their backpack.

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