Check that the bot is online, give the latency between the bot and Discord servers.
Invoke with:dh!ping
Thanks to those fine people who (helped) make the bot
Invoke with:dh!credits
Thanks to those fine people who (helped) translate the bot
Invoke with:dh!translators
Shoot at the duck that appeared first on the channel.
Invoke with:dh!bang [target] [args...]
Get some quickstats about yourself (or someone else).
Invoke with:dh!me [target]
Get number of each type of duck killed (for you or someone else).
Invoke with:dh!kills_stats [target]
Get number of each type of duck that resisted a shot (for you or someone else).
Invoke with:dh!resist_stats [target]
Get number of each type of duck that fled following a shot (for you or someone else).
Invoke with:dh!frighten_stats [target]
Show your/someone else achievements in the channel
Invoke with:dh!achievements [target]
The DuckHunt bot DMs are monitored. All of these commands are used to control the created channels, and to
Invoke with:dh!private_support
Shows a random duck image, courtesy of Globloxmen assets.
Invoke with:dh!random_duck [artist=Calgeka] [debug=False] [with_background=True]
Alias for dh!landmine landmine, so that you can just type dh!place instead.
Invoke with:dh!place <guild> [value] <word> [message_text]
Alias for dh!landmine defuse_kit, so that you can just type dh!defuse instead.
Invoke with:dh!defuse [words]
Shows a paginator with the most used commands on the bot. This is the poor version of a bot analytics.
Invoke with:dh!commands_used
Shows a paginator with the users that have used the bot the most. This is again the poor version of a bot analytics.
Invoke with:dh!bot_users
Delete scores for a specific user from the channel. The target can be an ID or a mention.
Invoke with:dh!remove_user <target>
Delete scores for all users on this channel or on the specified channel ID.
Invoke with:dh!remove_all_scores_stats [channel_id_to_delete]
Manage the bot current state by starting and stopping ducks spawning, leaving, and planning ducks spawn for the
Invoke with:dh!manage_bot
Invite someone to the beta server, letting them try the bot before the others
Invoke with:dh!beta_invite