Administrators quickstart

First, I'd like to thank HostMyServers for providing me a server to host DuckHunt. It's fast, reliable and well-supported!

Adding the official bot to your server is super easy! Follow these instructions:

  1. Join our discord server to get support if needed.
  2. Invite the bot to your server by clicking here.
  3. Choose/create a channel where you want ducks to spawn
  4. Subscribe that channel to #announcements (on the DuckHunt server) to get messages about the bot status or breaking changes for players.
  5. Type dh!settings enabled True to start the game.


Most commands are only available once the channel is enabled (see n°5 above). It includes settings commands. Once you've done the above, you'll be able to configure the perfect settings. For this, just head to the next page.