Types of ducks

Many ducks can spawn on your channel, and it's your responsibility to recognize them and act appropriately.

Normal ducks

The normal duck
The normal duck

This duck is the "basic" duck, the one that you'll encounter the most. Killing him is easy : just type dh!bang, and it should die immediately (if you can shoot, and if you don't miss your shot).


If I had one dollar for every time someone complained about how rich Jeff Bezos is... I still wouldn’t be as rich as Jeff Bezos.
If I had one dollar for every time someone complained about how rich Jeff Bezos is... I still wouldn’t be as rich as Jeff Bezos.

This duck is worth 1.5x more experience (15 exp). Make sure you shoot at it first.


The duck above me is jealous
The duck above me is jealous

This duck will only give you half the experience of a normal duck (5 exp). On higher levels, it may not be worth it to shoot this duck.


This is not an italian flag
This is not an italian flag

This duck is just like a normal duck, but if you leave it alone for too long, instead of just wander away, it'll KILL all the ducks alive on the channel. Don't wait until it despawns !


Can you see it ? It's the ghost duck !
Can you see it ? It's the ghost duck !

This duck does not send a spawn message. You must be vigilant if you kill one : the duck you intended to kill isn't dead yet.

The best way to find them is by hugging the air, since this won't waste bullets.

Prof (Pr. Duck.)

Big brain time, with the Pr. Duck.
Big brain time, with the Pr. Duck.

The professor requires you to do some math to kill it. Answer the question in the spawn message. To kill it, use the dh!pan <number> command. For example, if you see a prof spawning with

Huh, quick question, what's 16 + 91 ?

You must use dh!pan 107 to kill it. Wrong answers WILL waste your bullet.

Cartographer Duck

Big brain time, with the Pr. Duck.
Big brain time, with the Pr. Duck.

The cartographer duck requires you to find it on a spolier-made map. Once you've clicked enough and found the 🦆 (duck) emoji, provide the coordinates to the dh!pan command.


Piou ? He's so cute !
Piou ? He's so cute !

Do not shoot at this duck, doing so would cost you a normal duck worth of experience (10 exp), and your bullet(s)!

Instead, you must dh!hug the duck to make it leave. Hugging ducks don't waste bullets.


BZAAAAK, I'm the mechanical duck!
BZAAAAK, I'm the mechanical duck!

Technically, a mechanical duck is not a duck, and shouldn't be shot at. They can sometimes spawn from the wild, but they are most often bought by other hunters in the shop.

If another duck spawns after a mechanical duck, the mechanical will leave silently. You do not have to wait for it to leave.

Night duck


Only appears during the night. Ducks that sleep are free meat : you can't miss them, but some ducks are still awake... Good night !

Super ducks

I am strong
I am strong

Super ducks are ducks with multiple lives. Killing them may require multiple shots, or at least Armor Piercing or explosive ammo.

However, with such a big number of lives, killing them will get you more experience than usual.


Bullets can't penetrate my armor... Or can they ?
Bullets can't penetrate my armor... Or can they ?

This duck will resist 1 dmg on almost (90%) every shot. To kill him, you should have at least some AP ammo equipped.

During the UN Treaty event, the armored duck does not resist shots as that would be unfair to hunters. It'll then act as a normal Super Duck, but still count towards your Armored kills !

You can see on your personal Hunter Page (dh!me) the amont of shots an armored duck resisted.

MOAD (Mother Of All Ducks)

You'll never kill my children
You'll never kill my children

Mothers are normal Super ducks that will spawn two new, random ducks once killed. The spawned ducks doesn't count towards the ducks_per_day setting, and may be of any type.

If a baby spawns after you've killed a MOAD, check your achievements ! You'll have unlocked You monster.

Boss duck

Array(16).join("duck" -1) + " Batman!"
Array(16).join("duck" -1) + " Batman!"

The boss is a unique duck that will only spawn on the Official DuckHunt Support server. When killed, instead of experience, you'll get a lootbox (box of foie gras) delivered to your inventory. Use it on (almost) any channel.